Must-Read Chess Books to Better Your Game

Must-Read Chess Books to Better Your Game

Must-Read Chess Books to Better Your Game

The journey to great chess often begins with intrigue and mystery. This wonderful game has so many facets and strategies. Clever plays with interesting names catch our attention, stories of grandmasters amaze us, and we soon realize what a vast world chess really is. As a chess student, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the endless chess strategies, teachers, and books out there to learn from. This is why at Premier Chess Coaching, we are recommending a few great chess books to help direct your passion and get you started on the right foot.

4 Must-Read Chess Books

  1. Let’s Play Chess: A Step-by-Step Guide for New Players, by Bruce Pandolfini

Level: Beginner

Bruce Pandolfini is an influential chess coach and author. He is largely considered to be the most experienced chess teacher in America with more than 25,000 chess lessons under his teaching belt. Let’s Play Chess is an excellent book for those new to chess. This book is extremely well organized and easy to follow and presents information in a logical order. It begins with rule explanations and goes on to explain the algebraic notation. Reading this book will get you ready to participate in organized chess, without any hiccups.


  1. Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer & Stuart Margulies

Level: Beginner

Another great beginner chess book. This one stands out as being authored by a chess player many believe to be the greatest of all time, Bobby Fischer. This book takes a thorough look at one of the most important pillars of a solid chess game: tactics. This book will help you execute and identify the use of forks, double attacks, pins, checkmating attacks, and many more tactics you can add to your arsenal. If these terms are new to you, this book is a must-read.


  1. Play Winning Chess, by Yasser Seirawan

Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Yasser Seirawan began playing chess at 12, and by 13 he was the Washington junior champion. He has an outstanding chess mind and he shows it in Playing Winning Chess. This is one of a series of chess books that focus on four primary principles of chess, which according to Seirawan are – Force, Time, Space, and Pawn Structure. This great chess book takes you through the philosophies of chess, strategies, and moves, with examples and question/answer sections as well.


  1. Chess Training Pocket Book: 300 Most Important Positions and Ideas, by Lev Alburt

Level: Intermediate

This is a great chess book that we add on to our list for one reason; it is effective. This book is chalk full of mini graphic lessons and interesting situations. You are presented with tactical scenarios and encouraged to work through them like a puzzle, a fun and challenging way to better your chess game. This is a great book for anyone looking to hone their chess game casually throughout the day.


These are some great chess books that will scratch your itch for chess knowledge, and get you on the path to success. At Premier Chess Coaching, we pride ourselves on our amazing chess coaches that analyze your game, and help you with exactly what your game needs. If you need more specific, targeted help with your chess game, contact us today to work with our world-class coaches.